Private Investigators


Vicarage House ,
58-60 Kensington Church St,
W8 4DB

020 7183 8376

Why Us

Cutting edge Technology that gets the Results you need.

With a 96% track record in surveillance and 85% track records in 5 other areas, the usual uncertainties of investigation work experienced with other agencies don’t exist with us.

This is because-

1) We specialise in just 6 areas. If your scenario falls into one of them because of our depth of experience (rather than breath-which dilutes effectiveness), there’s little doubt we will succeed where others fail.

2) We don’t cut corners. Either we do the job properly or we don’t do it at all. Working to succeed in your objective means applying the right resources to get the job done.


Specialising in just 6 areas:

If your scenario falls into one of the areas below, there’s an 85% to 96% chance of success (see below).

That’s because all our time and experience is practising in just these. And no more.

Professional Teams–All Areas

1) Surveillance (96%)

2) GPS Car Tracking (100%)

3) IT and Phone Forensics (100%)

4) Tracing (95%)

5) Asset Tracing (85%)

6) Background Checks (90%)

Percentages relate to our track record.

Highest Track Record in the Industry

Higher Track Record Means Results for your Money. Not Excuses.

With a 96% track record in surveillance and an 85% or above track record in our 5 other specialist areas, the usual uncertainties of investigation work experienced with other agencies, don’t exist with us.

It doesn’t matter how cheap failure is. It’s a waste of money.

No Cutting Corners

Working to succeed in what you need, means applying the right resources to get the job done.

Not cutting corners to save a few pounds on fees.

That usually ends in failure. Resourcing to get the job done is a lot better than doing an economy job resulting in a waste of time and money. You just crash and burn.


Because of our 96% and 85% success rates, we put our money where our mouth is.

Some cases are on a contingent basis e.g. No Win, No Fee.

Call or live chat to find out if the guarantee applies to your scenario and if so, what the quote is.